Thursday, May 10, 2012

The good kind of tragic ideas!

So, when I get an idea on what to post, I get a thousand ideas, and I want to post them all at once, but then it tends to get all jumbled up and I start a post that basically has no end. When this happens I'm on the computer forever, and after a half hour, my Mom tells me I need to wrap it up and get off the computer, to which my response is, "Ok, just a minute". Half an hour after that, my Mom comes in and says that if I don't get off the computer that she will beat me within a inch of my life. ( She so abusive. )
Of course, she won't actually beat me within an inch of my life, ( But try telling that to an 8 year old that's in trouble. Needless to say, that it doesn't quite have the same affect on me now ) and no I've never been afraid of my life around her. Except her look, you know the stare that only your Mom has, the one that makes sure you know just what kind of trouble you're into, that even scares other kids, but they don't even know the seriousness of the look? Yeah, that look. :) But back to my topic, the other day I was just sitting, pretty much not thinking about anything, when three thousand ideas flood into my brain, like the Niagara Falls! Well what usually happen is that I remember two or three, then forget the rest, BUT THIS TIME WAS DIFFERENT! I wrote down all my ideas (except one or two, that some how I missed, trying to write down the rest. Dang you ideas!) But if your wondering if this was one of those ideas, it's not, this one came to me when I set down to write one of my other ideas.( ironic right?! ) And do you know what's going to happen after I've finished all those ideas, I'm going to have writers block for three months. So that is the tragedy over having good ideas!

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  1. I sooo know 'that' look. My grandmother always said we'd be skinned alive!! It was so serious that it was funny!! It is like and endureing threat that they are serious about what they are saying but only a few more rules or something would actually straighten things up for them. Lol!

    It is crazy when I go to sit down and write a blog post!! I get soooo many ideas sometimes and absolutly none at other times! How many ideas can one write into a post? :) Writing down your ideas is very good... it is the only way I keep up with anything these days! :D

  2. Great post, I laughed the whole way through! :)


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