Saturday, October 13, 2012


Ok, so well...I'm horrible about posting, I hardly ever read anyone's bolgs anymore, and barely get on the computer. The first two things are bad, but I haven't decided about the other one yet! :)
So lately my Mom has been telling me I need to get out of my shell. I'm kinda really shy! I know I have a blog (which I hardly get on), but she wants me to be more outgoing in person too! Well I've been trying, and failing horribly! The people I talk to most at my church approched me to become friends, and well, everyone else I've been to afraid to talk to! And we've been going there for three years! So for a couple of Sundays I've been trying to break out in conversation with other people......but every time I do, I say things that make me sound meaner then I really am, and I put my foot in my mouth all the time! I do that with pepole I'm not afraid to talk to, but then its not so akward. So Im trying to be less reserved here. It's a good place to start, and might give me some much needed practice. I have lots of hobbies!
I used my hand as a moddle! looks a bit weird in the picture,
I'm not a photographer.
 This is a really big peace of card borad!
That I graffitied on.
This is of a creek near my house.
Yes, I know it doesn't look much like a creek.
It was one of my first reall paintings.
I think y'all can all see what this is; tell me if you can't!
Like I said before,
"Not a photographer!"
Shooting, and gunsmithing.
This is my gun.
The first one I made. I just finished it in August,
and I'm working on another one now.
So thoes are some of my hobbies (or talents, as my Mom keeps telling me, though I don't think that's an appropriate word for it). And the orenge thats under the gun in the last photo, that's Riah's blanket! She likes bright, correction, really bright things! ;)

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  1. Love your art work! The hand drawing is totally awesome!
    I've always wanted to be free enough to do graffiti... But I'm too in control when it comes to my art and I feel like graffiti-ing would be bad or something. Maybe I should add it to my to do list.
    Love the creek! Water is my favorite thing to draw. (I don't do much painting.)
    That is so neat that you made your gun! Does it take a long time to do? What are the steps you take? How do you get started on something like that?

  2. Thanks Amber!
    The Graffiti was actually a doodle I drew once, and then I thought it would make cool graffiti! It was really fun!
    As for the gun, it took quite a long time I think I started it in February, and finished it the 17th of August. but it took that long for two mane reasons, one it was my first gun, so it took a long time just to get to know how to use all the different tools! Second, I do it at my Pawpaw's house, and I cant drive yet, so I have to rely on when he or my Mom can take me! In regards to the steps, well I wouldn't really be able to explain it very well in a short comment! Its a really long and involved process! And even I don't understand it all yet!!!!
    And to answer your last question, I just told my Grandfather that I wanted to learn how to make them! He already makes guns, so in a way I have an advantage over other people, I already new him so I didn't have to go looking for a work shop, or someone to teach me!

  3. Awesome! Great answers. I appreciate that. :) Must be wonderful to get to work with people you know and love, on something that interests you!
    Oh, btw as for your next post... keep dreaming they are beautiful!

  4. Thank you!
    It is wonderful working with my family!


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